About Us

Hi I'm Majida. The creator behind all the products. I've always loved creating, in as many ways as possible. I studied art up until college (which was a while ago now!) The rest of my art knowledge was self taught - either videos on YouTube or just diving in and having a go. I then went into a career working with children which thankfully for me meant I still got to be very creative.


It was a dream of mine to have a creative business. And people always advised me to do something with my art. I also love gifting people things that are perfect for them (gift giving is probably my second love language. Not so much gift receiving though). That's when it dawned on me to merge the two. Now I get to put my art on things that you can buy for the perfect person (and hey I'm all about buying yourself gifts if that's also what you're after).


One day I randomly decided to create a tote bag for myself (after having numerous tear on me). It was the adventure tote bag in case you're wondering. My sister posted it on her Instagram to which people replied that they needed it. That's when it dawned on me - why don't I use this as the starting point for selling my creations. And that's when I set to work creating You Goat This.


I love that I get to share my colourful craft with the world. I love even more the idea that my products might be bought as a gift.


Please remember that each item is hand painted/drawn so you might notice slight differences between products of the same design. I strive to make each as similar as possible but I'm not perfect. And while I may not be able to create machine perfect products time and time again, I can assure you that everything is completed with love and care. I hope you (and your recipients) love my products as much as I love making them.


Have a question? Please pop a message in the contact section. I would also love feedback (both good or bad) to help my business grow.

Finally, if you've liked what you've seen, why not spread the word to your friends and family.